
From the get-go, IGX has placed an emphasis on exploring and experimenting with competitive formats. Our goal has always been to give HEMA practitioners a fun and challenging opportunity to put our various theories to the test.

This year we’ll be serving up tournaments in two different events! That’s right – we will be having a tournaments in both Spring and Fall!
Spring is offering a collection of tournaments including:

– A Tier longsword: longsword for those who regularly place in tournaments
– B Tier longsword: longsword for the majority of fencers- those who have competed before but do not feel ready for A tier
– GenEq longsword: longsword for those who identify as women, trans, non binary, or any other alternate genders
– Beginners longsword: longsword for those who have never competed in a steel longsword tournament before
– Open rapier: rapier alone
– Open dussack: dussack alone, weapons provided
– Open Ringen: historical jacket wrestling
– GenEq Ringen: historical jacket wrestling for women, trans, non binary or who identify as any other alternate genders.